Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Cultural Thanksgiving

So Austin and I apologize for the tardiness of our updating. Today is a day of writing and hopefully you'll enjoy all the adventures we've been through thus far.

So this was our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. It is probably going to be one of the most memorable as well. This is my first as a Watkins', my first without my immediate family, my first to be the one cooking, my first without a microwave, and my first in a new country.

Since there were so many firsts' Austin and I were able to establish new traditions and recipes. We had to improvise on a few things due to food items being hard to find. Turkeys are not in bulk here during Thanksgiving so we had to find a Carneceria and order one three days in advance.

There it is! Austin did a great job cutting and prepping the turkey. I did not have the stomach for it. Here is why: the turkey still had feathers on it and Austin had to take a few things out that are normally cleaned in the States. I was so proud and the turkey tasted great. 

We thought Thanksgiving would be perfect if we had friends to celebrate with. This Thanksgiving is one to go down in history for the Watkins' family. We celebrated with 3 other Americans' (who contributed recipes from their family, we even had a pecan pie), we also celebrated with 3 lovely ladies from Britain who have NEVER had a Thanksgiving before, and two Sevillano's who also had never celebrated Thanksgiving. 

It was so fun to see the faces of those who have never celebrated and how they still can't fathom how much food we make. We went around the table and all said what we were thankful for. This was probably my favorite part due to some speaking in Spanish, English, and Spanglish. All the different accents were my favorite too. 

Here is a picture of the clan and the array of food. We had some pasta made by our British friends and the drink Tinto de Verano which is a favorite here in Spain. 

The meal lasted about 3 hours and went until 1 AM (truly the Spanish style). We talked about the different traditions all our families have and listened to the excitement of those who experienced this great holiday for the first time. 

Austin and I received the most special gift from our neighbor, Jose. He is a very talented individual and has been our go to person here in Spain. He has showed us a kindness that we will always cherish. He has showed us his home, taught us how to make a Spanish dish, and has taken Austin to a Sevilla futbol game. 

Here we are with the amazing picture he made. He is quite the artist and I've enjoyed looking at his pieces. This was my favorite and as a thank you to Austin and I he gave this to us. It brought me to tears and is now hanging proudly in our living room. 

Austin and I really enjoyed this holiday with new friends and even got to Skype with family which made it more special. 

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